Doctor of Engineering
Director of the Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy
The Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy (ZC), Institute of Integrated Research, Institute of Science Tokyo started in October 2024. As Director of the Institute, I would like to extend my greetings.
The laboratory was established in 1956 as the Research Facility for Nuclear Reactors, and developed into the Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, the Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy, and the Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology, in June 2021. We are consistently engaged in research and development related to the stable supply of energy, which is the foundation of Japan's development and affluent life.
As we enter the 21st century, we might have grasped convenience and abundance of goods and information, but in the short time since, we have been at the mercy of environmental changes such as rapid climate change and the spread of infectious diseases. Humanity has come to realize the magnitude of nature and the powerlessness of human beings. In particular, the need to curb anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions has become apparent in order for mankind to live sustainably under the global environment. Therefore, this institute was reorganized and established as ZC with the aim of contributing to the construction of a prosperous society that coexists with the earth without emitting CO2 through the development of carbon neutral technology using zero-carbon energy.
Primary energy is necessary to drive an affluent society. ZC conducts research to reduce dependence on fossil energy as much as possible and to utilize zero-carbon energy sources such as renewable energy, nuclear energy, biomass, and industrial waste heat. Since renewable energies are unstable, energy storage technologies are necessary for their widespread use. We will study energy storage, thermal storage, energy carrier technology, and new energy network systems as storage technologies. Although nuclear energy is causing anxiety in society, it is a valuable zero-carbon energy source that can stably generate electricity on a large scale in a command-oriented manner, and its development is being promoted internationally. Therefore, we will develop safe and economical nuclear energy systems. In addition, we will promote research on radiation utilization technology. Carbon has had an affinity with humans since ancient times. Therefore, we aim to create a carbon-recycling industrial system using zero-carbon energy that does not emit CO2 into the environment while allowing the use of carbon. In order to achieve this, we aim to develop the recovery, recycling, and reuse of CO2 . The Science Tokyo GXI (Green Transformation Initiative) program, https://www.gxi.iir.titech.ac.jp/, to accelerate the implementation of Green Transformation (GX) research into society. Science Tokyo GXI will develop GX research and development through open innovation in collaboration with industry, academia, government, society, and citizens. In particular, the integration with Tokyo Medical and Dental University in October 2024 will expand the scope of GX to well-being and medical care, aiming to realize GX that is more useful to society.
Many of the research themes that the Institute is working on are unexplored areas, and it is difficult for an individual or an organization to accomplish them. We need the cooperation of many people who agree with our themes. We hope to become a focal point of ZC and to help build a society that has hope for the future in cooperation with many people in Japan and abroad.
Your guidance and support for the Institute would be greatly appreciated.